SPACE - Library 1 - Volume 1.iso
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Text File
417 lines
(OSS $79.95)
Reviewed by Ed Seward
Let me start with the disk and it's contents. Among the files on the disk
are the required four program files: PASCAL.PRG, EDIT.PRG, COMPILER.PRG and
LINKER.PRG. (More on these files in a little bit.) Also on the disk is a
collection of demo programs, a list of errors found in so far and several
"Include" files for accessing GEM.
The execution of PASCAL.PRG (the "Manager") places you in the Pascal
environment. From this point you can choose the compiler and linker options
and save them as the new defaults. There are three things I don't like at
this level. The first is that when exiting the Pascal manager after
compiling; it takes a few tries with the mouse to get window slide bars to
work properly. Another is the editor and compiler can only use filenames
with the extension of "PAS". This means one has to change the name of the
file from the GEM Desktop. (One can display the whole directory from the
Pascal manager, its just when a file with an extension other than "PAS" is
used that kicks one back to the manager). The last thing is that on a one
drive system all the required files must be on the same disk. This problem
could be taken care of in a one meg machine with a ramdisk.
The Pascal Editor. Upon entering the editor one will notice a status line at
the top of the screen. On the left end of the line is the name of the file
being edited including the drive and path. The right side of the line is for
the various indicators like: whether one is in "insert" or "replace" mode; if
the auto backup is enabled; auto indent on/off. There is also a counter for
the amount of memory available for the source code and the line number of the
cursor's position.
The writers of Personal Pascal have set up the editor so as to make as many
people happy as possible. For most commands, one has a choice of using
"Wordstar" commands or using the cursor control keys. The availabilty of the
"Wordstar" commands should make many people happy. Personnaly, I prefer to
use the cursor keys. To move one character in any of the four basic
directions, just use the appropriate arrow key. To move up or down one
screen push a [Shift] key and an arrow key at the same time. The [Shift]
left and right arrow keys allow one to go to the beginning or end of a line.
When using the [Control] key with the left and right arrow keys, the cursor
is moved to the beginning of the next word in the appropriate direction.
Besides the additional keyboard editor commands there are the commands using
the function keys. To delete a line and place in the copy buffer just press
the [F1] key. Pressing the [Shift] and [F1] just deletes the line. To
insert the copy buffer at the cursor's position press [F2]. The "Find" a
string command is [F3]. The search and replace string is [F4]. The [F5] key
causes the last find or search command to be repeated. The auto indent is
toggled on/off with [F6]. The [Shift] and [F6] toggles the "BAK" or auto
backup state. Using [F7] allows one to save either the copy buffer or the
complete text. One can read a file into the copy buffer using [F8]. The
[F9] key saves the text back to the filename from which it was loaded. (If
the backup is on then the original file's extension is changed to "BAK"
before writing the text to disk.)
After writing the file and exiting the editor, the compiler is loaded and
executed. (If there are no compiler errors and the option is set, the
compiler will chain to the linker. Thus, with the push of a single key one
can have an executable program.)
The Compiler. There are eight options available from the Pascal Manager.
One is the choice to compile for GEM or TOS. The "Pause after error" option
tells the compiler to pause or not after an error. If one does not pause
after errors then all errors are written to a text file. If one selects to
pause after error then when an error is found two windows will appear; one
with the line of source code where the error was found, an error number and a
text description of that error (if ERRORS.TXT is on the disk) and another
window asking "Ignore Edit Abort". Ignore continues the compile; abort
returns one to the Pascal manager. Edit exits the compiler, loads the editor
and the source file, puts the cursor at the position where the error was
found and displays the error message in the status line. The "Chain to
linker" compiler option was mentioned earlier. The "Temporary directory"
option allows one to specify a different directory/drive for the temporary
work files. This option will be more useful after installing the TOS ROMs,
upgrading to one meg or when using a hard disk.
There are three other options that are mainly for debugging. "Full debug
mode" includes code such that the line number and the name of the procedure
where an error occurred will be displayed. "Stack checking" and "Range
checking" are self explanatory. If one tends to be a little lax in error
trapping then the last two options may save some potential system hangs. The
last option is to include code to clear all the local variables. I prefer to
handle that myself.
I ran into one problem with the compiler. I made an error in an include
directive that resulted in about twenty-five errors. Not using the "Pause
after error", as near as I can tell, the compiler ran out of room on the
disk. (The system was not hung in the true sense as it knew when a disk was
inserted into the drive and would run the motor.) There was no error message
-- just nothing at all. True, I could have made sure there was more than a
few k-bytes of space left on the disk. There should have been some kind of
message and a way to get out of it without rebooting the system.
While the compiler is running it displays the error count, each include
file's name as they are included and a cancel button to abort the compile.
The only thing I'll mention about the linker is that one has the option to
link for TOS or GEM.
Personal Pascal. So far I haven't found any of the ususal Pascal features
missing. Several ones have been added. String and byte were to be expected
and are supported. Also included is Long_Integer. The limit for integer
types (Maxint) is 32767 and Long_Maxint is 2,147,483,647 for long_integer
types. Two functions "Shl" and "Shr" have been added to work with integer
types as shift-left and shift-right. The usual string handling routines are
included; Concat, Copy, Length, Delete, Insert. Random disk access is also
supported with a Seek procedure. There are also a couple routines to access
the TOS command line; Cmd_Args returns the number of arguments in the command
line, Cmd_GetArg gets a command from the command line. The list of
predefined portions of Personal Pascal below are from the manual.
Predefined Data Types
Alfa Byte Boolean Char
Integer Long_Integer Real String
Predefined Constants
False Input Long_Maxint Maxint
Nil Output True
Predefined Procedures
BasePage Chain Cmd_GetArg Delete
Dispose Erase Get Halt
Insert Mark Message New
Pack Page Put Read
Readln Release ReName ReSet
ReWrite UnPack Write Writeln
Predefined Functions
Abs ArcTan Chr Clock
Close Cmd_Args Concat Copy
Cos Eof Eoln Exp
Filename Handle KeyPress Length
Ln Long_Round Long_Trunc MemAvail
Odd Option Ord Pos
Pred PwrOfTen Round Shl
Shr Sin SizeOf Sqr
Sqrt Succ Trunc
There are 90 pages of documentation for the non-GEM portion of Pascal.
Personal Pascal & GEM. There are 98 routines for accessing GEM and 134 pages
of documentation for those routines. There is routine for doing alert boxes
and it is plenty. Most of the other routines can be grouped into four
catagories: dialog boxes, windows, the menu bar and event management.
Two dialog boxes are very easy to implement. One is to select an input file
and another is to select an output file. Then there are numerous routines
used to set up a box including setting the type and color of text, buttons
and valid characters for an editable text field. There are step-by-step
instructions for setting up a dialog box along with good explanations of the
I haven't used the windows much -- yet. I haven't used the rest of the
routines at all. There are twenty-two window routines just for text styles
and graphics. These include rectangle, oval and arc drawing, cursor move,
plot and line drawing. The menu bar routines provide all that is needed for
one to do there own drop down menus.
Documentation. With one group of exceptions I would say the documentation
included with Personal Pascal is excellent and all one should expect. The
group of exceptions are three directives: GEMDOS, BIOS and XBIOS. They are
mentioned as existing and taking one integer parameter each. (My
understanding is that the number of parameters should vary.) As I write this
in early February, OSS has said they will be making the documentation
available in a few days.
The rest of the manual I found to be very complete and easy to find the
information I needed. This manual is not meant to teach Pascal and as such
it does not waste any space on a tutorial.
Features (bugs). I have come across two bugs besides the two I mentioned
earlier. First, 'Read' and 'Write' only work on text files. I played with
this for a while before using 'Get' and 'Put' as shown in the manual. The
other problem is that the manual says 'Insert' can have a "packed array of
char" as the source to be inserted into a string. I used other means to do
it one character at a time.
I called OSS today to verify these bugs. The guy I talked to said they are
getting ready to release a small patch to take care of the problem with the
slidebar when exiting Pascal. The 'Insert' problem is probably a
documentation error. OSS should be coming out with the next version of
Pascal in April. There may be a patch to take care of the 'Read' and 'Write'
problem before then, if not, then that release should take care of the
Performance. Like any person with a new language for their computer, I was
anxious to run some benchmarks. In the table on the next page are six
different time tests. Two of the programs I converted from a review of
MODULA Compilers in the October 1985 issue of Computer Languages magazine
("Microcomputer Modula-2 Analysis" by Namir Clement Shammas and Ken Magel).
[Modula-2 is basically an enhanced version of Pascal.] Two others are fairly
standard but taken from a Turbo Pascal 3.0 review in the February 1986 issue
of Byte magazine ("Turbo Pascal 3.0" by Mark Bridger). The magazines gave
times for these tests on the IBM PC (with and without an 8087) and one test
of MacModula-2 on the Macintosh. I ran the same tests on the 520 ST using
OSS Personal Pascal and also, for comparison, using TDI's Modula-2.
As you can see the times are pretty good. The times for the Modula-2 package
on the ST are particularly good but note that the file sizes are much larger
than those developed using Personal Pascal. I found the system easy to adapt
to and friendly to use. There are quite a few error messages to make finding
the syntax errors a little easier. I also liked the full debug mode as a
compiler option. Even with the bugs I mentioned I think Personal Pascal is a
good way to take advantage of the ST's features.
------------R U N T I M E S----------------
OSS TDI Turbo PASCAL Modula-2 MacMod -----FILE SIZES------
Test PASCAL MODULA ----V.3.0--- .COM Mcode ula-2 OSS PASCAL TDI Mod-2
Program 520ST 520ST IBMPC w/8087 IBMPC IBMPC Mac Src Exec Src Exec
------- ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- ----- ---- -----
SIEVE 7.5 6 13 -- 8 123 80 794 4559 732 21682
CALC 7.2 3 32 6.5 -- -- -- 333 6593 430 21648
FLOAT 20.5 20 65 3.0 -- -- -- 339 8447 403 25372
SORT <1.0 <1 -- -- 2 15 30 1332 4892 1224 21964
MATRIX 3.5 2.5 -- -- 1 20 13 1364 11461 1598 22574
I am including the source code for the above benchmarks to make it easier for
standard tests on the new languages becoming available for the ST.
Try these out on other computers or other languages on the ST and send the
results into CURRENT NOTES (122 N. Johnson Rd., Sterling, VA 22170).
CONST size = 8190;
VAR count,i,iter,prime : INTEGER;
flags : ARRAY [0..size] OF BOOLEAN;
FOR iter := 1 TO 10 DO
count := 0;
FOR i := 0 TO size
DO flags[i] := TRUE;
FOR i := 0 TO size DO
IF flags[i] THEN
prime := i + i + 3;
k := i + prime;
WHILE k <= size DO
flags[k] := FALSE;
k := k + prime;
count := count + 1;
END; { if then}
{end for i}
END; { for iter}
Writeln(' primes found');
END {program sieve}.
{from February 1986 Byte magazine}
VAR a,b,c : REAL;
n,i,t : INTEGER;
FOR t := 1 TO 10 DO
n := 5000;
a := 2.21828;
b := 3.14159;
c := 1;
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
c := c * a;
c := c * b;
c := c / a;
c := c / b;
Writeln('Error = ',c-1);
END {program calc}.
{from February 1986 Byte mag.}
{I didn't add in other real functions}
{so as to keep 'float' standard. }
x,y : REAL;
x := 1;
FOR i := 1 TO 1000 DO
y := Sin(x);
y := Ln(x);
y := Exp(x);
y := Sqrt(x);
y := Arctan(x);
x := x + 0.01;
END {program float}.
{converted from Computer Language mag}
{MODULA listing in October 1985 issue}
{Program will test the speed of sor- }
{ting an integer array. The program }
{will create an array sorted from }
{smaller to larger integers then sort}
{them into reverse order. }
CONST max = 1000;
TYPE numbers = ARRAY [1..max] OF INTEGER;
jump,i,j,temp : INTEGER;
a : numbers;
Writeln('Initializing integer array');
FOR i := 1 TO max
DO a[i] := i;
jump := max;
Writeln('Beginning to work');
WHILE jump > 1 DO
jump := jump DIV 2;
done := TRUE;
FOR j := 1 TO (max - jump) DO
i := j + jump;
IF a[i] > a[j] THEN
done := FALSE;
temp := a[i];
a[i] := a[j];
a[j] := temp;
END { if then};
END { for do };
UNTIL done;
END {while};
Writeln('Finished sorting!');
FOR i := 1 TO max
DO Write(a[i],' ');
END {program CLMySort}.
CONST n = 20;
TYPE row = ARRAY [1..n] OF REAL;
table = ARRAY[1..n] OF row;
VAR a,b,c : table;
sum : REAL;
i,j,k : INTEGER;
ch : CHAR;
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
FOR j := 1 TO n DO
a[i,j] := i + j + 2;
END {procedure filla};
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
FOR j := 1 TO n DO
b[i,j] := (i + j + 2) DIV (j + 1);
END {procedure fillb};PROCEDURE FillC;VAR i,j : INTEGER;
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
FOR j := 1 TO n DO
c[i,j] := 0.0;
END {procedure fillc};
sum := 0.0;
Write('Press <CR> to start');
FillA; Writeln('A filled');
FillB; Writeln('B filled');
FillC; Writeln('C filled');
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
FOR jk := 1 TO n DO
FOR k := 1 TO n DO
c[i,j] := c[i,j] + a[i,k] * B[k,j];
FOR i := 1 TO n DO
FOR j := 1 TO n DO
sum := sum + c[i,j];
Writeln('sum = ',sum);
Writeln('End of program');
END {CLMatrix}.
[Reprinted from the March, 1986 issue of CURRENT NOTES: The Newsletter for
Atari Owners. CURRENT NOTES is published by the Washington Area Atari
Computer Enthusiasts, 122 N. Johnson Rd., Sterling, VA 22170 ($15/yr). This
article may be reprinted by any Atari user group newsletter provided CURRENT
NOTES and the author are cited.]
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